Article by Jay Tesst
If you’ve arrived at this article, I am sure you might know a bit about silicone or latex sex dolls, you might even own a sex doll already.
A Sex doll as a life companion?
In the movie “Lars and the Real Girl,” Gosling plays a man who has issues with expressing his emotions towards real people. Lars brings his first “girlfriend” to meet the family, who shortly find out that Bianca is a life-size silicone sex doll.
It must be said that during the movie Gosling does not have any sexual intercourse with a doll. But instead this “silicone girlfriend” provides emotional companionship.
Ryan Gosling later admits during interviews that there was some real chemistry between him and his silicone sex doll co-star. Proving that sexual (or any other) attraction towards a silicone love partner is not out of the ordinary.
And most of all, they are not only for those who need emotional or sexual stability.
Ryan Gosling seems to be quite the connoisseur when it comes to latex love dolls, but more on that later.

The rise of the Silicon Sex doll
Ever since Matt McMullen started creating his “Real Dolls” through his company Abyss in 1996, there has been a growing demand for these artificial love companions.
And with the demand, so came the supply. All over the world, manufacturers, and retailers of Silicone, Latex, and the latest cutting - edge technological advancements of Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) sex dolls have gained a foothold in the sex toy industry.
Australia has not been an exception. Southern Treasures is a great place to start shopping for sex dolls in Australia. The Sydney based retailer has been a significant influence in the market of companion sex dolls.
So, if you are looking to buy a sex doll from a trusted Australian source, you’ve come to the right place.
When the first “Real Doll” came into existence, there was not much choice when it came to these artificial companions.
But now, with the arrival of other high-quality materials came more options and so the creation of your love doll is almost bespoke.
And while the first sex dolls were mainly geared towards men, women can now also enjoy their own TPE companion, made to measure and to pleasure.
So, ladies, why not invest in a male sex doll?
Back to the movies, or: Ryan Gosling can’t get enough of these love dolls!
In Bladerunner 2049 Gosling plays K, in a reprise of a role that firmly established Harrison Ford as a great actor.
While playing K in the movie Ryan Gosling portrays a character that has no time, nor will for people very much, aside from the moment he needs or wants to kill them.
The great exception to this is Joi, portrayed by the stunning actress Anna de Armas, she does not demand much from K but gives all the more.
In a very complicated way, she is as much an artificial companion as Bianca was in “Lars and the Real Girl.”
Artificial Intelligent hologram, sex dolls are taken to a new level
There is a difference though, as Joi can project herself onto a random replicant sex worker so K can enjoy her visually and physically. Joi turns out to be a computer programme, an adaptive hologram that K bought to improve his very, very lonely life.
What unfolds next in the movie, is a very complicated fantasy between Joi, K, and the replicant called Mariette (hired by Joi for this express purpose).
Creating a scene that has been called fascinating, creepy and intimate.
This scene has also shown a few parallels with a scene from a Spike Jonze Movie entitled “Her” where we see the bodyless A.I. Samantha, voiced by Scarlet Johansson, recruit a human woman to serve as her sexual surrogate with the character played by Joaquin Phoenix.
The main difference between the two movies is that whereas Joaquin Phoenix’s character rejects the surrogate, K in Bladerunner 2049, accepts it.
The next morning though, there are some regrets by the human participants, yet Joi’s approach to K remains the same.
So, is there true love in these movies between humans and sex dolls?
Love and relationship status is something that is between those parties involved in it. And although some may say that there is no possibility for reciprocal love with what is often described as an inanimate object, it seems that loving an artificial companion is an outcome for some.
So, it’s quite okay to be enamored with your bespoke or almost made to measure love doll. In fact, science has predicted that A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) is the future of sex and relationships.
Love dolls, sex robots, and any other method of creating the sexual fantasy you crave are being accepted more and more, as the taboo of adding to your sexual gratification through artificial means has been broken.
So why not opt for a full-size TPE sex doll or a full-size male or female love doll of your choosing.
You deserve the love you crave, the way you’d like it.
If anything, K and Joi prove that there is always a way to make you feel good, sexually and emotionally and there should not be shame in that.
What to look for in an artificial companion
As with many products, there is always a cheaper option, if it’s because of their lack of anatomical correctness, an inferior process not using high-quality materials like for example High-Quality Thermoplastic Elastomer.
So if you need the perfect sex doll, keep the following things in mind:
- Is your artificial companion made from High-Quality Thermoplastic Elastomer or Silicone
- Is your love doll supported well due to a solid steel skeletal frame and not a weak wire frame
- Are you buying through an experienced and reputable retailer like Southern Treasures?
- Is my doll anatomically correct, or to my specifications?
- Is my sex doll a trusted brand like WM Dolls, YL Dolls or 6YE Dolls?
The great thing about your sex doll
When it comes to human companions, there is always a lot of good, but also some flaws or dislikes that you would of course accept.
However, when taking the road of artificial love dolls, you have the option of buying dolls you can customize.
So why not go for the bespoke option when it comes to life-size dolls for men or women.
At Southern Treasures, there is a wide variety of TPE love dolls to choose from.
There is also an option to choose eye colour, pick your preference when it comes to nipple or labia colour and of course choose a nail colour that fits your fantasies. You can find all these free sex doll customizations through their doll option guide.
These free basic choices go on top of the wide range of sex dolls that Southern Treasures already offers.
Lovedoll choices
Would you like your new companion to have a large bust, say cup size H, or are you more into a more petite choice, like Cup A?
And of course, you can choose skin colour and ethnicity when ordering your new “silicone wife.” Along with obvious choices like the actual height of your new sex doll.
Custom love doll: Is this just fantasy?
And for those whose fantasy is more in the realm of fantasy or horror, there is a choice of pixie, vampire or succubus. And even these have several customizations that can be changed at no extra cost.
Even more subtle options
And even those who like their almost real doll with a defined physique get several choices. Do you want your perfect TPE girl to be ripped, or softer and gentler?
There are so many choices, you could say you are spoiled, but then again, this is your special intimate love doll, so there are no restrictions to what you want, and more importantly to what you can ultimately get.
Feel free to create your own Love Object
In the 2003 movie Love Object, we meet Kenneth, a tech writer, with social insecurities. In an attempt to overcome his insecurities and at least have some meaningful sexual and romantic relations, he orders Nikki. An anatomically accurate silicone doll. Although he becomes quite obsessed with Nikki and practices all kinds of kinky sex with her, it also educates him on lovemaking and dealing with women. So much so that he and his co-worker Lisa hit it off romantically.
So, as you can see, even though this might not apply to you, owning your own silicone sex doll, might be beneficial to you and of course your love life. If you have social anxieties, but yet you have a craving for becoming intimate, why not try it this way? It might just work out for you.
Relive your sexiest movie moments with a made to measure sex doll
So, like your fantasies, the options are almost never-ending. Be like K, or Lars and take the time to order your new artificial intimate partner.
Make sure she is to your liking, creating the right choices, making sure your doll lover will be perfect for you and the things you’d like to do.
And rest assured that you are making the right choice, as happiness is your choice and yours alone.
So, make your TPE dream girl sexy, the way you’d like her to be.
Or if you’d like to play with a male doll, create that perfect Casanova. You can even pick “that” size for your pleasure.
And if you’re thinking, will I find something that will be to my liking, why not browse our sexy real sex dolls at a discount.
Of course, if you need advice, on finding your perfect sex doll companion, feel free to contact us for information, or to help you pick your ideal partner.
Take the step now, and soon your ultimate artificial lover will be delivered to your doorstep, and you will be having free real sex with her again and again.
In conclusion
Prior to 1996 when Matt McMullen started Abyss and made it possible for people to order their bespoke Silicone Real Dolls, the thought of having a perfect artificial companion was no more than a dream. But now, just more than twenty years later, the options are endless.
And so, it’s time to do what you’ve always dreamed about, and order your made to measure (soon to be) TPE wife. There is no reason to feel ashamed, the attraction you feel is real, and your love for your doll, not something to be laughed about. Love is endless and without judgement.
But remember, do not go on the cheap, building your perfect companion takes time, even though High-Quality Thermoplastic Elastomer is not as expensive as high-grade silicone. Make sure your future lover is built to last through your nights of play and passion. You deserve the best, for now, and for in the future, so make sure you get it.
We hope to see you soon in our shop or enjoying your custom-made love doll which you ordered completely made to measure. It’s time, make it happen, feel like a movie star, be like K and enjoy the moment, while you can.